The Preventive

Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important things you can do for your teeth and gums. Healthy teeth not only enable you to look and feel good, they make it possible to eat and speak properly. Good oral health is important to your overall well-being. Most common dental problems being tooth decay , tooth sensitivity, gum and bone problem, foul breath.

Tooth decay

Gum and bone problems

Healthy gums are firm and don’t bleed. They fit snugly around the teeth. Snugly around the teeth.
Gingivitis – gums are mildly inflamed, may appear red or swollen and may bleed during brushing.
Periodontitis – gums begin to separate and recede from the teeth. This allows plaque to move toward the roots, supporting fibers and bone.
Advanced Periodontitis – supporting fibers and bone are destroyed. Teeth become loose and may need to be removed.

Tooth sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity can be caused due to

Poor brushing

Wrong or aggressive brushing can wear down the protective tooth enamel causing the teeth to become sensitive.

Receding Gums

Failure to clean well causes gums to pull back/recede, exposing the roots of the teeth. The roots are more vulnerable to decay since they have never been exposed to fluoride resulting in root caries causing more pain.

Bad breath

Bad breath, also known as halitosis, is breath that has an unpleasant odor. This odor can strike periodically or be persistent, depending on the cause. In many people, the millions of bacteria that live in the mouth (particularly on the back of the tongue) are the primary causes of bad breath. The mouth’s warm, moist conditions make an ideal environment for these bacteria to grow. Most bad breath is caused by something in the mouth. Some types of bad breath, such as “morning mouth,” are considered to be fairly normal, and they usually are not health concerns. The “morning mouth” type of bad breath occurs because the saliva that regularly washes away decaying food and odors during the daytime diminishes at night while you sleep. Your mouth becomes dry, and dead cells adhere to your tongue and to the inside of your cheeks. Bacteria use these cells for food and expel compounds that have a foul odor.

In addition, bad breath can be caused by the following:


A person may not always know that he or she has bad breath. This phenomenon is because odor-detecting cells in the nose eventually become accustomed to the constant flow of bad smells from the mouth. Others may notice and react by recoiling as you speak.

Other associated symptoms depend on the underlying cause of bad breath:

Poor dental hygiene – Teeth are coated with film or plaque, food debris trapped between teeth, pale or swollen gums

Infections in the mouth – Gums may be red, swollen and bleed easily, especially after brushing or flossing; pus may drain from between teeth; a pocket of pus (abscess) at the base of a tooth; loose teeth or a change in “fit” of a denture; painful, open sores on the tongue or gums

Respiratory tract infections – Sore throat, swollen lymph nodes (“swollen glands”) in the neck, fever, stuffy nose, a greenish or yellowish nasal discharge, a mucus-producing cough

External agents – Cigarette stains on fingers and teeth, a uniform yellow “coffee stain” on teeth

Dry mouth – Difficulty swallowing dry foods, difficulty speaking for a prolonged period because of mouth dryness, a burning sensation in the mouth, an unusually high number of dental caries, dry eyes (in Sjögren’s syndrome)

Systemic (bodywide) illnesses – Symptoms of diabetes, lung disease, kidney failure or liver disease


A dentist or physician may notice the patient’s bad breath while the patient is discussing his or her medical history and symptoms. In some cases, depending on the smell of the patient’s breath, the dentist or physician may suspect a likely cause for the problem. For example, “fruity” breath may be a sign of uncontrolled diabetes. A urine-like smell, especially in a person who is at high risk of kidney disease, can sometimes indicate kidney failure.

Your dentist will review your medical history for medical conditions that can cause bad breath and for medications that can cause dry mouth. Your dentist also will ask you about your diet, personal habits (smoking, chewing tobacco) and any symptoms, including when the bad breath was noticed and by whom.

Your dentist will examine your teeth, gums, oral tissues and salivary glands. He or she also will feel your head and neck and will evaluate your breath when you exhale from your nose and from your mouth. Once the physical examination is finished, your dentist may refer you to your family physician if systemic problems are the most likely cause. In severe cases of gum disease, your dentist may recommend that you be seen by a periodontist (dentist who specializes in gum problems).

You will need diagnostic tests if the doctor suspects a lung infection, diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease or Sjögren’s syndrome. Depending on the suspected illness, these tests may include blood tests, urine tests, X-rays of the chest or sinuses, or other specialized testing.

Expected Duration

How long bad breath lasts depends on its cause. For example, when the problem results from poor dental hygiene, proper dental care will begin to freshen the mouth immediately, with even more impressive results after a few days of regular brushing and flossing. Periodontal disease and tooth abscess also respond quickly to proper dental treatment. Bad breath resulting from chronic sinusitis may be a recurring problem, especially if it is caused by a structural abnormality of the sinuses.

Bad breath the results from a systemic illness may be a long-term problem that can often be controlled with proper medical care.

Complete Oral Health Screening

The first dental visit

“Mouth is gateway to body” we would like to take record of your mouth by examining the health of the teeth and gum (Oral Health Status) and your general body health (Medical Health Status). radiographic records (Digital Xrays) and pictorial view of your mouth to help you understand the status of your mouth. Physician referal and opinion is advised (if your medical conditions demonds). complete treatment plan for your mouth is elaborated and the subsequent appointments are given.


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