Cosmetic Treatment for Teeth

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Cosmetic Treatment for Teeth

Self analysis for your smile:

Smile Designing

Laminates and Veneers

A porcelain veneer is a thin shell of porcelain that is bonded onto the front surface of a tooth so to improve its cosmetic appearance.

A porcelain veneer can be an ideal way to make a cosmetic change for a tooth. Compared to dental bonding, porcelain veneers usually look more lifelike and they have the added benefit of resisting staining well. As a disadvantage, porcelain veneers are typically fairly expensive and if used in the wrong application can be prone to breaking. Unlike dental bonding, if a porcelain veneer has broken typically the whole veneer must be replaced. It usually cannot be patched or repaired.


Bleaching is one of the most common procedures of dental cosmetics. It brightens teeth that are discolored, stained, or have been darkened because of injury or drinking habits. Any tooth, even those that have had root canal surgery, can receive bleaching treatment. This can be done by a dentist in the dental clinic or at home.

There are two types of tooth stains:
  1. INTRINSIC STAINS (Internal stains): This means the stain occurs from within the tooth. This type of stain cannot be removed by brushing and flossing and sometimes bleaching may not be effective. Some causes of intrinsic staining are injury to the tooth, certain medications (such as tetracycline) taken during tooth formation stage or an excess fluoride ingested during the formation of teeth.
  2. EXTRINSIC STAINS (External stains): This is staining of the tooth surface. Some sources of extrinsic stains are cigarettes, cigars, paanmasala, coffee, tea, or foods that contain a lot of spices. This type of staining can sometimes be removed by good tooth brushing habits or by professional oral prophylaxis (scaling).

Occasionally people experience temporary discomfort during the bleaching treatment, such as tooth sensitivity. These symptoms are transient & disappear within one to three days after completion of the treatment. It is important that the manufacturer’s directions are followed precisely. Overall, tooth bleaching under professional supervision is an effective method for whitening the teeth.

Instructions for Home Bleaching

Bleaching is used to enhance your smile by brightening your existing natural teeth. Bleaching will not make crowns, Veneers/Laminates, bonding or existing fillings lighter. If you bleach and have these type of restorations in your smile line you may want to have these changed after you bleach. When you start to bleach we typically have you bleach your upper teeth first when you are bleaching both upper & lower teeth. This will provide you with a comparison so you know just how much your teeth are whitening. Bleaching usually takes 1-2weeks for the complete result. We cannot predict the exact level of shade changes you will have with bleaching, but it will always make your teeth lighter.


Dental Jewelery (Diamond)

Teeth jewelry is a brilliant way to add sparkles to your smile and stand out of the crowd. During a painless procedure, a dentist fixes a jewel on the tooth surface. The jewel does not damage tooth tissues and has no side effects – except for the increased charm of your smile!

Cosmetic Fillings


Dental Bonding

The term “dental bonding” can refer to a number of related dental techniques. In general, after a tooth’s surface has been properly prepared, a white colored dental filling material is bonded onto the tooth. Dental bonding might be utilized as a way to improve the appearance of a cosmetic defect found on the surface of a tooth, to replace tooth structure that has chipped away or broken, or to repair damage caused by tooth decay. At an extreme, this technique can be used to resurface the entire front side of a tooth so to improve its cosmetic appearance.

As a benefit, when compared with the other cosmetic dentistry techniques reviewed on this page dental bonding can be relatively inexpensive and is usually a “completed in one visit” type dental procedure. As a disadvantage, dental bonding material has a tendency to stain as time passes and in general isn’t as lasting or durable a treatment as other cosmetic dental procedures. However, and one more point in the plus column, if dental bonding does chip or break it can usually be easily patched or repaired.

Bonding : It is the use of a tooth colored restorative material that is applied on to the teeth. It can then be polished and shaped to look like the rest of the teeth.

Composite veneers cover the facial surface of teeth to change tooth color, position, or shape. Addition of composite to tooth structure increases tooth size and therefore, there is often tooth reduction to make room for composite placement. Amount of reduction is determined by position of original tooth in relation to the desired position and color of tooth structure in relation to the thickness of composite materials required to block out color.